Ukrayna Hava Kuvvetleri, Rusya’nın Ukrayna’ya 16 füze ve 11 insansız hava aracı fırlattığını duyurdu. Hava Kuvvetleri, yapılan saldırı sonucunda 9 insansız hava aracı ile 9 füzeyi başarılı bir şekilde düşürdüklerini açıkladı. Saldırıda hedeflenen noktalar ise belirtilmedi.
Rusya, son bir haftadır enerji tesislerine yönelik hava saldırılarını arttırmış durumda. Ukrayna’nın en büyük özel enerji şirketi DTEK, dün yaptığı açıklamada, 6 santralden 5’inin hasar gördüğünü ya da tamamen tahrip olduğunu belirtti. Üretim kapasitesinin %80’inin kaybedildiği ve onarımların 18 ay sürebileceği ifade edildi.
Tension between Ukraine and Russia has been escalating in recent weeks, as Russia continues its military aggression in the region. The attack on Ukrainian energy facilities is seen as a strategic move by Russia to weaken Ukraine’s infrastructure.
The Ukrainian government has condemned the attacks and called for international support in the face of Russian aggression. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged the European Union and NATO to take a stronger stance against Russia and provide further assistance to Ukraine.
The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has raised concerns about the stability of the region and the potential for a larger-scale military confrontation. The international community is closely monitoring the situation and calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.
As the situation continues to unfold, both Ukraine and Russia are preparing for further escalation of hostilities. The Ukrainian military has been put on high alert, while Russia shows no signs of backing down from its aggressive stance.
The coming days will be critical in determining the future of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The international community must act swiftly to prevent further escalation and ensure the safety and security of the people in the region.